Without any doubt, Patent Prosecution, can at times, prove to be a rather byzantine process. In this scenario, what matters the most is – the more you understand, the better you get to prepare for the strategic decisions that lie ahead. Consequently, some of those decisions will result in a streamlined Patent Approval, which shall also further raise the overall cost of obtaining the desired Patent Protection. In this context, the patent process is full of trade-offs. For many SMEs and high-tech startups, obtaining a patent grant certificate as soon as possible holds the utmost importance to seek reputational advantages, licensing opportunities and partnerships, and additional funding.
Keeping everything in mind, here are a few helpful tips for the Patent Applicants who are looking forward to obtaining a reasonable set of Patent Claims strategically with a smooth Patent Application approval process.
1- Focus on Narrowing your Patent Claims to their Core Invention
It is a matter of fact that yes – examiners usually give topmost priority to pretty straightforward and strategically narrow claims, especially when they are considering a patent application or innovation for the very first time. They issue a patent grant on inventions, which are new, useful, unique, and protect the public domain. As a result of lack of familiarity, and the sole purpose associated with safeguarding the public domain, caution is generally the rule when the examiner is presented with an invention for the first time. For the same, it is typically simpler and a lot more convenient to obtain an approval with narrower patent claims. Although this strategy can raise the overall expense required to obtain the desired patent protection, it undoubtedly streamlines the allowance of the first patent, which is indeed valuable for a lot of inventors.
2- File Different Patent Applications for Related Inventions
A patent application having multiple related inventions or innovations can create issues. In essence, a single patent application must include only one invention. Related inventions may be considered as the same invention. Also, it is quite possible (if not probable) that related inventions may be considered lacking unity of invention, leading to requiring the separate filing of patent applications and a separate examination phase. Making a separate claim for every invention may be viewed as raising the costs; however, it is less costly and can streamline the patent process by making it a lot quicker and easier.
3- Present your Invention’s Non-Obvious and Novel Features Clearly
It is crucial to make sure that your patent application includes a concise and to-the-point explanation of your invention’s non-obvious and novel features. If the invention has a computer-based implementation, it is necessary to define a technical solution corresponding to the technical issue addressed. Make a point of the fact that vague descriptions often cause ambiguities, which further lead to the examiner determining the patent application is not adequate for a patent grant.
4- Ensure Including All Necessary Supporting Documentation
Including all the necessary documentation and required translations to process the patent application avoids unnecessary delays at all the Patent Offices across the globe. Without any second thoughts, the patent process is already pretty long, and in this case, interjecting unnecessary delays is of no use at all as it only raises the costs in the long run.
5- Consider All Necessary Prior Art with your Patent Application
In case prior art is discovered at a later stage, your patent application could become invalidated, and almost certainly will if there is a commercially valuable innovation. Failing to pay due attention to the prior art that could reasonably be found before filing the patent application is a recipe for complete disaster. Describing your innovation without the availability of the best prior art implies that you are missing out on the opportunity to provide critical differences and nuances.