Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Artist in the Machine

The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no more an alien subject matter. Within the past few years, AI programs…

3 years ago

Extension of Waiver for Pharmaceutical Patents Until 2033

After a lot of intense negotiations and debates between the first-world countries and the third-world countries, the World Trade Organization…

3 years ago

International Framework for the Protection of Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets: What are they and why are they needed? With recent developments in technology and the ease of sharing,…

3 years ago

Evergreening of Patents in South Africa

What is Meant by Evergreening of Patents? The term evergreening is used to refer to perceived attempts to extend the…

3 years ago

COVID-19 Vaccines and Patent Rights

COVID-19 vaccines are set to safeguard billions of citizens worldwide in the coming months. However, vaccinating the entire world population…

3 years ago

An Overview of Intellectual Property in Contracts

Owners of businesses enter into contracts with others for various reasons. However, they may not always be aware of or…

3 years ago

A Guide to Securitization of Intellectual Property Assets

In the earliest days, economic advantages were rooted in tangible property like real estate, personal property, or different forms of…

3 years ago

Remix Culture and Copyright

Remixes and remade versions of songs and music pieces have become a common affair in all music and movie industries…

3 years ago

Trademark Families – What are they and Why are they Important?

A family of marks is defined as "a group of marks having a recognizable common characteristic, wherein the marks are…

3 years ago