Geographical indication (GI) Registration and Protection
A Geographical Indication (GI) is a name, sign, or symbol used on certain goods corresponding to a specific geographical locality, region, or country, specifying that a product of a specific origin has certain characteristics, quality, and attributes associated with it.
The protection regime related to GIs varies from one country to another. Some countries protect GIs through sui generis systems (i.e., having specific legislation for the protection of GIs), while countries not having sui generis systems offer protection under collective or certification marks.
We have been assisting the rights holders in securing legal protection to their GIs globally following the laid down laws and practices for more than a decade now. Moreover, we also advise and counsel legal strategies against unauthorized use of a registered geographical indication by third parties. Furthermore, we appraise our clients regularly with updates on the regional and national laws, procedures related to GIs in our endeavor to provide satisfactory and competent services at all times.