Trademark Registration (TM Application)
Trademark Search:
We help our clients in determining the viability and availability of their proposed trademarks for use and registration across the globe. Our Trademark Search Services include knockout searches, full international trademark searches accompanied by thorough legal opinion and advice.
Trademark Registration:
Our devoted team of professional and experienced lawyers take care of the legal interests of our clients at all times. We assist our clients in drafting and filing trademarks before both the national and international Trademark Offices globally. Furthermore, we extend our services for replying to official objections, amendment of goods and services, drafting of oppositions and counter replies, attending hearings on behalf of clients, attending official notices from Trademark Registries, etc.
We endeavor to provide efficacious and systematic services to our clients, catering to their legal trademark-related needs in the best possible way.
Renewals and Restoration:
We help our clients in securing their Trademark Rights for the long term by filing timely the Renewal requests before the trademark registries. Also, we aid clients in restoring their abandoned trademarks due to non-payment of the renewal fees on time.
Recordal of Changes:
Over some time, a few changes may take place concerning ownership or transfer of rights to a trademark by way of assignment, merger, or licensing. Besides, there may be a change in details of the trademark owners, i.e., either a change of name or address. Hence, the trademark owners and their representatives may be required to perform trademark recordals as stand-alone tasks before the trademark offices to record such changes.
We help our clients have a smooth sail through the changes mentioned above by assisting at all possible stages to record the changes of name and address, assignment, merger, and licensing of their registered and/or pending trademarks successfully before the trademark registries.
- Change of Name and Address: We have been successfully assisting clients file recordal of change of name/legal entity and change of address before the trademark registries both nationally and internationally.
- Assignment: We also offer assistance to clients in conveying a Trademark Assignment, whether as an assignor or as an assignee. We provide support to clients in drafting assignment deeds and affidavits, if required. Furthermore, we advise on local trademark assignment requirements, which may be necessary to be fulfilled for a successful recordal of assignment before the trademark registries.
- Merger: Our services also include helping clients file recordal of Mergers before the trademark offices globally. We also extend our services to draft Deed of Merger and advice clients on national practices and laws related to recordal of mergers.
- Licensing: We provide significant assistance to clients in drafting and negotiating a trademark license, whether as a licensee or as a licensor. Besides, we advise on local trademark licensing requirements, including avoiding terms that are potentially unenforceable because of unfair competition law and on terms that are implied by law and any requirements for recordal of the license.